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Dalam hal ini, pencatatan atau pemotongan pajak mengikuti aturan sesuai hukum yang berlaku. Data dan informasi hasil pemeriksaan psikologi bila diperlukan untuk kepentingan pendidikan, data harus disajikan sebagaimana adanya dengan menyamarkan nama orang atau lembaga yang datanya digunakan. Iklan dan Pernyataan publik yang dimaksud dalam pasal ini dapat berhubungan dengan jasa, produk atau publikasi profesional Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi di bidang psikologi, mencakup iklan yang dibayar atau tidak dibayar, brosur, barang cetakan, daftar direktori, resume pribadi atau curriculum vitae, wawancara atau komentar yang dimuat dalam media, pernyataan dalam buku, hasil seminar, lokakarya, pertemuan ilmiah, kuliah, presentasi lisan di depan publik, dan materi-materi lain yang diterbitkan.

Pernyataan tersebut harus disampaikan dengan ;. Bila mengetahui adanya pernyataan yang tergolong penipuan atau pemalsuan terhadap karya mereka yang dilakukan orang lain, Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi berusaha untuk menjelaskan kebenarannya. Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikolog bertanggung jawab atas pengumuman, katalog, brosur atau iklan, seminar atau program non gelar yang dilakukannya.

Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi memastikan bahwa hal yang diberitakan tersebut menggambarkan secara akurat tentang tujuan, kemampuan tentang pelatih, instruktur, supervisor dan biaya yang terkait. Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi dalam memberikan keterangan pada publik melalui media cetak atau elektronik harus berhati-hati untuk memastikan bahwa pernyataan tersebut:.

Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi dalam menjelaskan kemampuan atau keahliannya harus bersikap jujur, wajar, bijaksana dan tidak berlebihan dengan memperhatikan ketentuan yang berlaku untuk menghindari kekeliruan penafsiran di masyarakat. Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi menjunjung tinggi profesionalitas dan senantiasa terus meningkatkan kompetensinya.

Berkaitan dengan hal tersebut Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi perlu dihargai dengan imbalan sesuai profesionalitas dan kompetensinya. Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi harus memberitahu pihak yang bersangkutan terlebih dahulu bahwa tindakan tersebut akan dilakukan, serta memberi kesempatan untuk dapat menyelesaikan permasalahan sebelum tindakan hukum dilakukan. Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi membagi imbalan dengan profesional lain, atasan atau bawahan, pembayaran terhadap masing-masing harus berdasarkan jasa dan atau praktik yang diberikan dan sudah diatur sebelum pelaksanaan pelayanan psikologi dilakukan.

Psikolog dan atau Psikologi memastikan keakuratan data dan laporan pemeriksaan psikologi kepada pembayar jasa atau sumber. Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi dapat menerima benda atau imbalan non uang dari pengguna layanan psikologi sebagai imbalan atas pelayanan psikologi yang diberikan hanya jika tidak bertentangan dengan kode etik dan pengaturan yang dihasilkan tidak eksploitatif. Standar ini tidak membatasi pendidik atau pelatih untuk memodifikasi isi program pendidikan atau persyaratan jika dari sisi pendidikan dipandang penting atau dibutuhkan, selama peserta didik diberitahukan akan adanya perubahan dalam rangka memungkinkan mereka untuk memenuhi persyaratan pendidikan.

Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi mengambil langkah yang tepat guna memastikan rencana pendidikan dan atau pelatihannya berdasar perkembangan kemajuan pengetahuan terkini dan sesuai dengan materi yang akan dibahas. Hal tersebut tidak diberlakukan, kecuali jika :.

Bila suatu terapi individual atau kelompok merupakan persyaratan dalam suatu program atau pengajaran, psikolog bertanggung jawab bahwa program terapi tersebut tersedia.

Terapi yang disyaratkan tersebut diberikan oleh praktisi atau ahli terapi dalam bidangnya yang tidak berhubungan dengan program atau pengajaran tersebut. Pengajar yang bertanggung jawab terhadap evaluasi dan prestasi akademik mahasiswa tidak boleh memberikan terapi yang disyaratkan.

Informasi mengenai proses tersebut diberikan pada awal pengawasan. Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi dalam melaksanakan penelitian diawali dengan menyusun dan menuliskan rencana penelitian sedemikian rupa dalam proposal dan protokol penelitian sehingga dapat dipahami oleh pihak-pihak lain yang berkepentingan. Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi membuat desain penelitian, melaksanakan, melaporkan hasilnya yang disusun sesuai dengan standar atau kompetensi ilmiah dan etik.

Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi memperhatikan dan bertanggung jawab atas etika penelitian dalam merencanakan, melaksanakan dan melaporkan hasil penelitian yang dilakukan atau yang dilakukan pihak lain di bawah bimbingannya. Konsultasi yang dimaksud dapat meliputi yang berkaitan dengan kompetensi dan kewenangan misalnya badan-badan resmi pemerintah dan swasta, organisasi profesi lain, komite khusus, kelompok sejawat, kelompok seminat, atau melalui mekanisme lain.

Dalam hal ini termasuk izin penelitian dari instansi terkait dan dari pemangku wewenang dari wilayah dan badan setempat yang menjadi lokasi. Pelanggaran terhadap hal ini dan adanya tindakan penyalahgunaan wewenang dapat dikenai butir pelanggaran seperti tercantum dalam pasal dan bagian-bagian lain dari Kode Etik ini misalnya pelecehan seksual dan bentuk pelecehan lain.

Sebelum pengambilan data penelitian tetapi setelah memperoleh izin penelitian Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi menjelaskan pada calon partisipan penelitian dengan menggunakan bahasa yang sederhana dan istilah-istilah yang dipahami masyarakat umum tentang penelitian yang akan dilakukan.

Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi menjelaskan kepada calon partisipan asas kesediaan sebagai partisipan penelitian yang menyatakan bahwa keikutsertaan dalam penelitian yang dilakukan bersifat sukarela, sehingga memungkinkan pengunduran diri atau penolakan untuk terlibat. Partisipan harus menyatakan kesediaannya seperti yang dijelaskan pada pasal yang mengatur tentang itu. Dalam rangka mendapat persetujuan dari calon partisipan, Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi menjelaskan proses penelitian.

Secara lebih terinci informasi yang penting untuk disampaikan adalah :. Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi menjelaskan sifat dari penelitian tersebut, berikut risiko, kewajiban dan keterbatasannya. Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi sebelum merekam suara atau gambar Untuk pengumpulan data harus memperoleh izin tertulis dari partisipan penelitian.

Persetujuan tidak diperlukan bila perekaman murni untuk kepentingan observasi alamiah di tempat umum dan diantisipasi tidak akan berimplikasi teridentifikasi atau terancamnya kesejahteraan atau keselamatan partisipan penelitian atau pihak-pihak terkait.

Bila pada suatu penelitian dibutuhkan perekaman tersembunyi, Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi melakukan perekaman dengan tetap meminimalkan risiko yang diantisipasi dapat terjadi pada partisipan, dan penjelasan mengenai kepentingan perekaman disampaikan dalam debriefing. Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi tidak harus meminta persetujuan partisipan penelitian, hanya jika penelitian melibatkan individu secara anonim atau dengan kata lain tidak melibatkan individu secara pribadi dan diasumsikan tidak ada risiko gangguan pada kesejahteraan atau keselamatan, serta bahaya-bahaya lain pada partisipan penelitian atau pihak-pihak terkait.

Penelitian yang tidak harus memerlukan persetujuan partisipan antara lain adalah:. Penjelasan harus diberikan sedini mungkin agar calon partisipan dapat mengambil keputusan yang terbaik untuk terlibat atau tidak dalam penelitian. Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi memperhatikan peraturan Negara dan standar profesional apabila menggunakan hewan sebagai objek penelitian. Standar profesional yang dimaksud diantaranya bekerjasama atau berkonsultasi dengan ahli yang kompeten.

Hal-hal yang harus diperhatikan adalah:. Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi yang sedang melakukan penelitian dengan hewan perlu memastikan bahwa semua orang yang terlibat dalam penelitiannya telah menerima petunjuk mengenai metode penelitian, perawatan dan penanganan hewan yang digunakan, sebatas keperluan penelitian, dan sesuai perannya.

Hal tersebut dimaksudkan untuk menghindari kekeliruan penafsiran serta menyesatkan masyarakat pengguna jasa psikologi. Hal-hal yang harus diperhatikan adalah :. Ketentuan ini tidak termasuk data yang dipublikasi ulang jika disertai dengan penjelasan yang memadai. Untuk kepentingan ini, sejawat atau profesional lain yang memerlukan data tersebut wajib mengajukan persetujuan tertulis sebelumnya. Karya cipta yang dimaksud dapat berbentuk penelitian, buku teks, alat tes atau bentuk lainnya harus dihargai dan dalam pemanfaatannya memperhatikan ketentuan perundangan mengenai hak cipta atau hak intelektual yang berlaku.

Penyajian sebagian atau keseluruhan elemen substansial dari pekerjaan orang lain tidak dapat diklaim sebagai miliknya, termasuk bila pekerjaan atau sumber data lain itu sesekali disebutkan sebagai sumber.

Kepemilikan atas posisi struktural institusional, misalnya kepala bagian atau pemimpin lembaga, tidak membenarkan pencantuman nama yang bersangkutan bila ia memang tidak berkontribusi nyata dalam penelitian atau penulisan. Mahasiswa atau orang yang dibimbing tetap harus didaftar sebagai pengarang atau anggota tim pengarang bila publikasi tersebut merupakan karyanya.

Artikel yang secara substansial disusun berdasarkan skripsi, tesis dan atau disertasi mahasiswa tetap harus mencantumkan nama mahasiswa tersebut. Psikologi forensik adalah bidang psikologi yang berkaitan dan atau diaplikasikan dalam bidang hukum.

Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi yang menjalankan tugas forensik memahami aturan hukum yang berlaku dan implikasinya terhadap peran dan wewenang mereka. Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi menyadari adanya kemungkinan konflik antara kebutuhan untuk menyampaikan informasi dan pendapat, dengan keharusan mengikuti aturan hukum yang ditetapkan sesuai sistem hukum yang berlaku.

Psikolog dan atau ilmuwan Psikologi berusaha menyelesaikan konflik ini dengan menunjukkan komitmen terhadap kode etik dan mengambil langkah-langkah untuk mengatasi konflik ini dalam cara-cara yang dapat diterima. Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi dapat melakukan penelitian di bidang forensik secara umum tetapi tidak terkait langsung dengan penanganan kasus di bidang psikologi forensik. Penanganan kasus ini hanya dapat dilakukan oleh psikolog.

Praktek Psikologi forensik tersebut meliputi pelaksanaan asesmen, evaluasi psikologis, penegakan diagnosa, konsultasi dan terapi psikologi serta intervensi psikologi lain dan hal-hal lain dalam kaitannya dengan proses hukum misalnya evaluasi psikologis bagi pelaku atau korban kriminal; sebagai saksi ahli; evaluasi kompetensi untuk hak pengasuhan anak; program asesmen, konsultasi dan terapi di lembaga pemasyarakatan, mediasi konflik.

Bila tidak dilakukan pemeriksaan menyeluruh karena keadaan tidak memungkinkan, Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi menjelaskan keterbatasan yang ada, serta melakukan langkah-langkah untuk membatasi implikasi dari kesimpulan atau rekomendasi yang dibuatnya.

Bila tidak dilakukan pemeriksaan menyeluruh karena keadaan tidak memungkinkan, Psikolog menjelaskan keterbatasan yang ada, serta melakukan langkah-langkah untuk membatasi implikasi dari kesimpulan atau rekomendasi yang dibuatnya.

Bila kemungkinan terjadi konflik antara kebutuhan untuk menyampaikan pendapat dan keharusan mengikuti aturan hukum yang ditetapkan dalam kasus di pengadilan, psikolog berusaha menyelesaikan konflik ini dengan menunjukkan komitmen terhadap Kode Etik dan mengambil langkah-langkah untuk mengatasi konflik dengan cara-cara yang bisa diterima.

Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi harus mengindari untukmenjalankan peran majemuk. Bila peran majemuk terpaksa dilakukan kejelasan masing-masing peran harus ditegaskan sejak awal dan tetap berpegang teguh pada azas profesionalitas, obyektivitas serta mencegah dan meminimalkan kesalahpahaman.

Hal-hal yang harus diperhatikan bila peran majemuk terpaksa dilakukan :. Bila peran majemuk terpaksa dilakukan, misalnya sebagai konsultan atau ahli serta menjadi saksi di pengadilan, kejelasan masing-masing peran harus ditegaskan sejak awal bagi Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi, serta pihak-pihak terkait, untuk mempertahankan profesionalitas dan objektivitas, serta mencegah dan meminimalkan kesalahpahaman pihak-pihak lain sehubungan dengan peran majemuknya.

Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi harus tetap dapat bersikap profesional dalam memberikan pandangan serta menjaga atau meminimalkan terjadinya konflik antara berbagai pihak. Kurang dipahaminya kode etik tidak dapat menjadi alasan untuk mempertahankan diri ketika melakukan kesalahan atau pelanggaran. Asesmen Psikologi adalah dilaksanakannya prosedur observasi, wawancara, pemberian satu atau seperangkat instrumen atau alat tes yang bertujuan untuk melakukan penilaian dan atau pemeriksaan psikologi.

Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi menggunakan teknik asesmen psikologi, wawancara atau observasi, pemberian satu atau seperangkat instrumen tes dengan cara tepat mulai dari proses adaptasi, administrasi, penilaian atau skor, menginterpretasi untuk tujuan yang jelas baik dari sisi kewenangan sesuai dengan taraf jenjang pendidikan dan kompetensi yang disayratkan, penelitian, manfaat dan teknik penggunaan. Hal-hal yang harus diperhatikan berkaitan dengan proses asesmen adalah :.

Instrumen asesmen ditetapkan hanya dapat digunakan sesuai dengan populasi yang diujikan pada saat pengujian validitas dan reliabilitas. Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi harus menjelaskan kekuatan dan kelemahan dari instrumen tersebut serta interpretasinya. Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi tidak mendasarkan keputusan asesmen, intervensi atau saran dari data hasil tes yang sudah kadaluarsa untuk digunakan pada saat sekarang.

Dalam kondisi relatif konstan hasil tes dapat berlaku untuk 2 tahun, namun dalam kondisi atau keperluan khusus harus dilakukan pengetesan kembali. Administrasi asesmen psikologi adalah pedoman prinsip dasar yang harus dipatuhi dalam melakukan proses asesmen psikologi. Termasuk dalam proses asesmen psikologi adalah observasi, wawancara dan pelaksanaan psikodiagnostik. Tes ini dapat dilakukan oleh siapa saja non psychologist termasuk dalam kategori ini adalah vocational proficiency test.

Asesmen psikologi perlu dilakukan oleh pihak-pihak yang memang berkualifikasi, perlu dihindari untuk menggunakan orang atau pekerja yang tidak memiliki kualifikasi memadai. Untuk mencegah asesmen psikologi oleh pihak yang tidak kompeten :. Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi harus memperoleh persetujuan untuk melaksanakan asesmen, evaluasi, intervensi atau jasa diagnostik lain sebagaimana yang dinyatakan dalam standar informed consent , kecuali jika.

Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi dalam menginterpretasi hasil asesmen psikologi harus mempertimbangkan berbagai faktor dari instrumen yang digunakan, karakteristik peserta asesmen seperti keadaan situasional yang bersangkutan, bahasa dan perbedaan budaya yang mungkin kesemua ini dapat mempengaruhi ketepatan interpretasi sehingga dapat mempengaruhi keputusan. Data asesmen ini menjadi kewenangan Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi yang melakukan pemeriksaan.

Jika diperlukan data asesmen dapat disampaikan kepada sesama profesi untuk kepentingan melakukan tindak lanjut bagi kesejahteraan individu yang menjalani pemeriksaan psikologi. Hasil asesmen menjadi kewenangan Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi yang melakukan pemeriksaan dan hasil dapat disampaikan kepada pengguna jasa. Hasil ini juga dapat disampaikan kepada sesama profesi, profesi lain atau pihak lain sebagaimana yang ditetapkan oleh hukum.

Hal yang harus diperhatikanadalah kemampuan bahasa dan istilah Psikologi yang dipahamipengguna jasa. Oleh karena itu sebelum terapi dilaksanakan, psikolog sebagai terapis perlu mendapatkan persetujuan tertulis Informed Consent dari orang yang menjalani pemeriksaan psikologis, setelah mendapatkan informasi yang perlu diketahui terlebih dahulu.

Hal-hal yang perlu diinformasikan sebelum persetujuan terapi ditandatangani oleh orang yang akan menjalani terapi adalah sebagai berikut:Hal-hal yang perlu diantisipasi tentang terapi adalah:. Ketika Psikolog memberikan jasa terapi pada beberapa orang yang memiliki hubungan keluarga atau pasangan misal : suami istri, significant others , atau orangtua dan anak maka perlu diperhatikan beberapa prinsip dan klarifikasi mengenai hal-hal sbb:.

Lihat pasal 19 dan 20 tentang Kerahasiaan. Ketika Psikolog memberikan jasa praktik psikologi dan terutama terapi pada beberapa orang dalam suatu kelompok, psikolog harus menjelaskan peran dan tanggung jawab semua pihak serta batasan kerahasiaannya.

Psikolog saat memutuskan untuk menawarkan atau memberikan jasa kepada orang yang akan menjalani terapi yang sudah pernah mendapatkan terapi dari sejawat psikolog lain, harus mempertimbangkan hal-hal sebagai berikut :.

Psikolog saat menyepakati kontrak terapi dengan orang yang menjalani pemeriksaan psikologi sehingga terjadi hubungan profesional yang bersifat terapeutik, maka psikolog tersebut senantiasa berusaha menyiapkan langkah-langkah demi kesejahteraan orang yang menjalani terapi termasuk apabila terjadi hal-hal yang terpaksa mengakibatkan terjadinya penghentian terapi dan atau pengalihan kepada sejawat psikolog lain sebagai rujukan.

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News Rumors Documentation Wednesday August Apple allegedly taking down websites sharing iOS 16 developer beta 9 to 5 Mac. While users interested in a public beta had to wait until July to try iOS 16, some websites had already shared unofficial ways to install the latest betas.

Now it seems that Apple is taking those websites down. Watch: Pirates infielder slides into third, iPhone slides out of his pocket Cult of Mac. Watch: Pirates infielder slides into third, iPhone slides out of his pocket Rodolfo Castro of the Pittsburg Pirates made an epic slide into third base Wednesday.

His iPhone also tagged third — we know because the handset flew out of his pocket and hit the base. The umpire had to point out to the baseball player that that the iPhone was lying on the field. Future Studios, known for the criminal-justice series "Suave," has signed a deal that would give the studio funding for new podcasts.

In exchange, Apple would have the right to turn any podcast into a film or TV show. Read more Bloomberg today reported that Apple has signed a deal with award-winning production company Futuro Studios.

Plus, your purchase will trigger a contribution to an educational charity! On Wednesday, Disney confirmed its plans to launch a new ad-supported tier during a call with investors. New Anker power bank pushes W to charge 3 devices Cult of Mac. New Anker power bank pushes W to charge 3 devices Anker has been on a roll lately with new chargers, and it kept going Wednesday with the release of its PowerCore 24K, aka the Anker Power Bank.

The gadget packs a 24,mAh battery, three ports for charging devices up to and including your MacBook plus a handy digital display that shows you what the […] via Cult of Mac - Tech and culture through an Apple lens Read more ». Apple is primed for long-term growth in huge Indian market Mac Daily News.

Apple is primed for long-term growth in huge Indian market Apple is gaining traction in India thanks to the growing adoption of 5G smartphones, sales of which are expected to take off in India in the… The post appeared first on MacDailyNews. Apple moves closer to erasing losses on better-than-feared inflation data Mac Daily News. Apple moves closer to erasing losses on better-than-feared inflation data Apple is closing in on erasing its losses for the year as better-than-feared inflation data fueled a rally in the stock market Wednesday… The post appeared first on MacDailyNews.

Ask and ye shall receive, apparently. One of the headlining features is the ability to set a future reminder for an email while simultaneously cleaning up your inbox.

Read along for a hands-on look at how it works to Remind Later with Mail on iPhone. Unfortunately, the rapid expansion may have led to a wave of disputed transactions.

According to some, the rapid growth of Apple Card is to blame for Goldman Sachs coming under fire. The sources told CNBC that the credit card company experienced an unexpected rush of customers seeking chargebacks. To deal with the disputes, Goldman Sachs turned to automation and outside vendors.

These vendors, known as business process organizations BPOs , tend to be known for high turnover rates and undertrained employees. You can imagine what happened next. In February, Apple reached out to users with dismissed claims, offering them the opportunity to resubmit their disputes.

However, that came too late to stem the tide of complaints to the CFPB. Since then, the numbers may have doubled yet again. When Goldman Sachs agreed to sign on for the Apple Card, the financial institution apparently failed to plan properly for its popularity. Beyond that, customers reported getting conflicting information and experiencing extremely long wait times on the phone.

Now, a CFPB probe is looking at a wide range of billing and service issues. The bank did launch a GM-branded card in January, but its contributions to the woes cannot amount to much.

In terms of the documentary, Morgan Neville is set to direct and produce. Neville is also responsible for dozens of other film and TV projects. Longtime fans of Martin may remember that he disappeared from live comedy at the height of his fame, and transitioned to starring in Hollywood-classics and writing. Martin did publish a single memoir titled Born Standing Up, which covers his years as a stand-up comedian.

There is also another book arriving in November, Number One is Walking: My Life in the Movies and Other Diversions and will contain a collection of anecdotes and illustrations focusing on his movie career.

The new two-part documentary will explore his life as Martin gains his roots in comedy, up to today. Additionally, Steve Martin is also an accomplished banjo player. I'm Picking Out a Documentary for You! Are you looking forward to the documentary on Steve Martin? Let us know in the comments. Adopt passkeys to… The post appeared first on MacDailyNews. During his tenure at the Cupertino-based tech giant, the star who teaches science with amazing experiments also came up with an idea that may be embedded in the Apple Car.

He recently described how his VR technology could help prevent motion sickness in a car. While at Apple, Robert came up with an idea that could prevent that. He was already a rising star on YouTube when Apple hired him. The Cupertino-based company at first discouraged him from continuing his YouTube adventures, but they came to an agreement.

When Rober came up with the idea of using VR to address car motion sickness, Cupertino was all for it. Apple has continued to make updates to that patent. Longoria will also executive produce. The streaming service has also announced that Carmen Maura will join the cast. Interestingly, the show is being shot in both English and Spanish, and will be available to watch in each language. Neil Velvet serve as writers and creators of the series. The women seek to start anew and hope their identities will remain unknown, but gossip in the small town quickly spreads, unraveling their deepest family secrets and truths.

What will really make this a standout show is that it will be recorded in multiple languages. Though this isn't the first time Apple has produced a bilingual show, it is great seeing the streaming service include more diverse options. Currently, there is no release date for Land of Women. Hundreds of tech and home goods are eligible for the eBay coupon.

Arriving with an impressive 24,mAh of capacity, the new fittingly-named PowerCore 24K packs an W charging output for topping off everything from iPhones to MacBooks. Sponsored by Kolide: With Kolide, you can make your team into your biggest allies for endpoint security. Solve problems, right within Slack. Learn more here. Flexible screens still come with too many problems to be acceptable in an iPhone. How long will we have to wait for Apple to update the AirPods Pro and unveil its second generation of premium wireless earbuds?

The AirPods are extremely popular products, so it seems bizarre that Apple leaves it so long between updates. The standard AirPods also went two and a half years between their second edition in March and the third in October you may be interested to read our AirPods review. Could Apple make fans wait even longer for the new AirPods Pro?

In this article, we take a look at how Apple will evolve the AirPods Pro line-up in , and examine the release date, price, tech specs, design changes and new features of the upcoming models which may features a new design, longer battery life, fitness tracking and support for lossless streaming of Apple Music. Apple introduced a new version of its standard AirPods back in , but the AirPods Pro remained untouched.

Will we see new AirPods Pro in ? The new models have been expected for some time. AirPods Pro 2 will enter mass production in Vietnam in 2H22, a successful case of mass production of Apple's major products outside China. Read: AirPods Pro: Buy now or wait?

AirPods Pro design With the AirPods receiving a redesign in , we assume that the AirPods Pro will change in order for the differences between the two types of AirPods to be clear.

In fact it will take cues from the AirPods 3. New case According to 52audio, the biggest upgrade to the AirPods Pro could be the charging case, which will gain a USB-C port with support for fast charging and a small internal speaker to play a location sound for Find My.

This backs up a January Ming-Chi Kuo claim that the second-gen AirPods Pro could come with a case that can emit a sound to help locate it when lost. There will apparently be a microphone to aid in hearing assistance functions. The hinge sits along the longer edge because the Pro models are shorter and wider than before. Perhaps Apple could tweak the case design in lieu of major changes to the earbuds themselves.

It would be unusual for Apple to get this far into a product line without offering at least two colors. Space Gray or another variant of black or dark gray is probably the most likely — indeed there have been rumors that a black pair of AirPods were being considered and there are certainly people who would love black AirPods. AirPods Pro new features When convincing customers to spend more on the premium AirPods, features are the key. Gesture controls The AirPods Pro could be in line for gesture-based controls.

This could be used to trigger commands, or as a biometric identification tool for improved security. It seems most likely that Apple will stick with touch controls, though. Bluetooth 5. Apple may also opt to use a different wireless technology that provides more bandwidth than Bluetooth, like Ultra Wideband Every iPhone since the iPhone 11 has had a UWB radio in it, but Macs and other Apple gear would still have to use Bluetooth.

Wi-Fi would of course provide a lot more bandwidth, but has power requirements that probably place it out of touch for wireless earbuds. Better battery life The next AirPods Pro are rumored to get longer battery life and faster charging, though the faster charging may be contingent on whether or not they ship with a USB-C charging case. AirPods Pro audio quality Three years on from the introduction of the AirPods Pro, what new audio features can Apple add to its flagship earbuds?

The current AirPods Pro already offer good noise-canceling, but that report indicates that the technology will be much improved. AirPods Pro health and fitness features Some tempting new health and fitness features have been rumored for the AirPods Pro.

Fitness tracking and motion sensors According to Bloomberg in , the next AirPods Pro will focus more on fitness tracking and have updated motion sensors. Heart rate sensor A heart rate sensor could also be coming to the AirPods Pro.

While in-ear optical heart rate sensors can be uncomfortable, it is very accurate and sport-loving users swear by them. Current rumors suggest this feature may not make it into the second-generation AirPods Pro. Body temperature measuring The AirPods Pro may also feature a sensor that can measure body temperature, although there has been some doubt about whether this will make it into the models.

A similar temperature sensor is rumored for the Apple Watch Series 8. Headphones, Home Audio Read more ». The AirPods 3 center and AirPods Pro right look very similar, the key difference being the silicon tips. In a thread on Twitter, Kuo discussed that Foxconn recently became one of the winners of the increased average selling price for the iPhone 14 series.

Additionally, the analyst also stated that this is due to price hikes and higher shipment proportions. In this instance, EMS stands for electronic manufacturing service. The company will likely benefit from an increase of the average selling price for the iPhone 14 series.

This is also likely why Foxconn raised its full-year performance to "growing" from "roughly flat". It also seems that supply chain issues will not have an impact on the delivery of these orders. However, it does seem that there will be some major differences between the base model iPhone 14 and the Pro series. Right now, it looks like only the Pro series is going to see the new A16 chip.

Further differences concern pixel quality, finish, a third camera lens, LiDAR Scanner and new design. However, despite some notable differences, it looks like the iPhone 14 is gearing up to be a huge success for Cupertino. It will be interesting to see what further differentiates the iPhone 14 and iPhone 14 pro series as we approach the likely September Keynote.

Are you looking forward to the iPhone 14? Are you going to get the base model or the Pro model? These new smartwatches will sure be tough competition for the upcoming Apple Watch Series 8.

But, in addition to that, they also show what innovations Apple will likely bring with Series 8 and the rumored Apple Watch Pro. The successor to the much-liked Momentum 3 aims for the same high-end sound and comfort along with a more modern look. How an iPhone battery works and how to manage its health AppleInsider.

How an iPhone battery works and how to manage its health Your iPhone uses a lithium-ion battery that degrades over time, but there is little reason to worry about battery health in a new device. Here's what you need to know about your iPhone's battery. What you need to know about iPhone batteriesBatteries are not mysterious black boxes that power your iPhone, in fact, they are quite simple products compared to the advanced silicon they are powering.

The physical nature of batteries mean that they will ultimately wear out and become less useful over time, but device owners don't need to worry. The new Home Feeds aims to help users discover new entertainment they may enjoy. Spotify is also introducing different sections for music and podcasts. The new update promises to bring a more personalized experience while also allowing users to have more expansive access to their recommendations. For the music feed, users will be able to access suggestions based around their musical taste.

Users will also have access to album and playlist recommendations as well as accessible buttons that give users the option to share, like and play music instantly. Bringing the Update In terms of Spotify, the company has been making a wave of noticeable improvements over the last couple of weeks.

At the end of July, the company introduced Blends and Friends Mix, allowing users to create personalized playlists with their friends. The company also added dedicated play and shuffle buttons for premium subscribers. Spotify also discontinued their hardware accessory Car Thing. Spotify redesigning Home to account for both podcasts and music will ultimately be a good thing for users.

The current setup can make finding podcasts rather difficult, as they often become buried beneath the music. Funny enough, podcasts can then make finding the music you want to hear a difficult task. Separating podcasts and music into more distinct categories will be especially helpful. What are you listening to on Spotify right now? As he went down the list of shows and films, he noted that it seemed all of Hollywood was there without him.

Older posts. Wednesday August Both websites are no longer accessible. In a tweet, BetaProfiles. Apple, BetaProfiles. Hi everyone, I just wanted to say that BetaProfiles will be shutting down soon, I just don't want to get into a legal battle with Apple. BetaProfiles social media will remain as a place to discuss beta updates. The alleged notice claimed that the tweets infringed on Apple's proprietary beta software.

All of the tweets listed are no longer visible "in response to a report from the copyright holder. Those interested in trying out Apple's betas for free can sign up for Apple's public beta program. Analysis Suggests Instagram Tracks User Web Activity Through In-App Browser A new analysis of the Instagram app has suggested that every time a user clicks a link within the app, Instagram is capable of monitoring all of their interactions, text selections, and even text input, such as passwords and private credit card details within websites inside the app.

The analysis conducted by Felix Krause found that both Instagram and Facebook on iOS use their own in-app browser, rather than the one offered by Apple for third-party apps.

Most apps use Apple's Safari for loading websites, but Instagram and Facebook have been using their own in-app browser to load websites within the app. With their custom-built browser, still based on WebKit, Instagram and Facebook inject a tracking JavaScript code named "Meta Pixel" into all links and websites shown.

With that code, Meta has total freedom to track users' interactions without their explicit consent, Krause finds. This allows Instagram to monitor everything happening on external websites without the consent from the user, nor the website provider. As Krause points out, it takes reasonable effort for companies like Meta to develop and maintain their own in-app browser rather than to use Apple's built-in Safari.

On its developer portal, Meta claims "Meta Pixel" is designed to "track visitor activity on your website" by monitoring all events a user does within their custom-built browser. There is no evidence that Meta, which owns Instagram, has actively gathered the user data it's capable of collecting. As Krause writes: Does Facebook actually steal my passwords, address and credit card numbers?

I didn't prove the exact data Instagram is tracking, but wanted to showcase the kind of data they could get without you knowing. As shown in the past, if it's possible for a company to get access to data for free, without asking the user for permission, they will track it.

ATT requires that all apps ask for user consent before tracking them across apps and websites owned by other companies. Meta has repeatedly pushed back against Apple's goal of giving users a choice on whether or not they wish to be tracked.

In December , Meta took out a full-page newspaper ad attacking Apple for the change. Krause says he shared his findings with Meta, which responded by saying they've confirmed the "issue" but have not responded since. Krause says he gave Meta a two-week notice before deciding to go public with his findings. Tag: InstagramThis article, "" first appeared on MacRumors. While higher prices would be disappointing for customers, it is possible the iPhone 14 Pro and iPhone 14 Pro Max will offer increased storage in return for the extra cost.

However, the chart said the storage amounts were still "TBD" at the time, so we'll have to wait and see. Other rumored upgrades for iPhone 14 Pro models include a faster A16 chip, a new pill-shaped cutout and hole replacing the notch, an upgraded megapixel rear camera lens with support for 8K video recording, front camera autofocus, faster RAM, and an always-on display that shows the Lock Screen's time, date, widgets, and newly re-added battery percentage. However, the exact price increases if any remain to be seen.

Apple is expected to announce the iPhone 14 lineup in September as usual. It's unclear if the standard iPhone 14 models would also see a price increase given they are still expected to have an A15 chip and lack many other upgrades rumored for the Pro models.

A sketchy rumor claimed the 6. The new feature will allow users to keep track of things happening in real time, such as the score of a sports game, the progress of an Uber ride, or the status of a food delivery order, right from the Lock Screen. Live Activities will not be available in the initial public release of iOS Apple says the feature will be added in an update coming later this year, which suggests that it could be included as part of iOS When the feature launches, developers will be able to submit apps with Live Activities to the App Store.

Last month, Apple released a new ActivityKit framework that allows developers to begin testing Live Activities in their apps. Apps with Live Activities integration can currently only be distributed via TestFlight for testing by iOS 16 beta users. Apple is expected to release iOS 16 alongside the iPhone 14 in September. The software update is compatible with the iPhone 8 and newer.


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All of the tweets listed are no longer visible "in response to a report from the copyright holder. Those interested in trying out Apple's betas for free can sign up for Apple's public beta program. Analysis Suggests Instagram Tracks User Web Activity Through In-App Browser A new analysis of the Instagram app has suggested that every time a user clicks a link within the app, Instagram is capable of monitoring all of their interactions, text selections, and even text input, such as passwords and private credit card details within websites inside the app.

The analysis conducted by Felix Krause found that both Instagram and Facebook on iOS use their own in-app browser, rather than the one offered by Apple for third-party apps. Most apps use Apple's Safari for loading websites, but Instagram and Facebook have been using their own in-app browser to load websites within the app.

With their custom-built browser, still based on WebKit, Instagram and Facebook inject a tracking JavaScript code named "Meta Pixel" into all links and websites shown. With that code, Meta has total freedom to track users' interactions without their explicit consent, Krause finds. This allows Instagram to monitor everything happening on external websites without the consent from the user, nor the website provider.

As Krause points out, it takes reasonable effort for companies like Meta to develop and maintain their own in-app browser rather than to use Apple's built-in Safari. On its developer portal, Meta claims "Meta Pixel" is designed to "track visitor activity on your website" by monitoring all events a user does within their custom-built browser. There is no evidence that Meta, which owns Instagram, has actively gathered the user data it's capable of collecting. As Krause writes: Does Facebook actually steal my passwords, address and credit card numbers?

I didn't prove the exact data Instagram is tracking, but wanted to showcase the kind of data they could get without you knowing. As shown in the past, if it's possible for a company to get access to data for free, without asking the user for permission, they will track it.

ATT requires that all apps ask for user consent before tracking them across apps and websites owned by other companies. Meta has repeatedly pushed back against Apple's goal of giving users a choice on whether or not they wish to be tracked. In December , Meta took out a full-page newspaper ad attacking Apple for the change.

Krause says he shared his findings with Meta, which responded by saying they've confirmed the "issue" but have not responded since. Krause says he gave Meta a two-week notice before deciding to go public with his findings.

Tag: InstagramThis article, "" first appeared on MacRumors. While higher prices would be disappointing for customers, it is possible the iPhone 14 Pro and iPhone 14 Pro Max will offer increased storage in return for the extra cost. However, the chart said the storage amounts were still "TBD" at the time, so we'll have to wait and see. Other rumored upgrades for iPhone 14 Pro models include a faster A16 chip, a new pill-shaped cutout and hole replacing the notch, an upgraded megapixel rear camera lens with support for 8K video recording, front camera autofocus, faster RAM, and an always-on display that shows the Lock Screen's time, date, widgets, and newly re-added battery percentage.

However, the exact price increases if any remain to be seen. Apple is expected to announce the iPhone 14 lineup in September as usual. It's unclear if the standard iPhone 14 models would also see a price increase given they are still expected to have an A15 chip and lack many other upgrades rumored for the Pro models.

A sketchy rumor claimed the 6. The new feature will allow users to keep track of things happening in real time, such as the score of a sports game, the progress of an Uber ride, or the status of a food delivery order, right from the Lock Screen.

Live Activities will not be available in the initial public release of iOS Apple says the feature will be added in an update coming later this year, which suggests that it could be included as part of iOS When the feature launches, developers will be able to submit apps with Live Activities to the App Store. Last month, Apple released a new ActivityKit framework that allows developers to begin testing Live Activities in their apps.

Apps with Live Activities integration can currently only be distributed via TestFlight for testing by iOS 16 beta users. Apple is expected to release iOS 16 alongside the iPhone 14 in September. The software update is compatible with the iPhone 8 and newer. Kuo did not reveal exact pricing for the iPhone 14 Pro models. However, the exact price increase for the Pro models remains to be seen. This deal has been applied automatically and does not require a coupon code.

Note: MacRumors is an affiliate partner with Amazon. When you click a link and make a purchase, we may receive a small payment, which helps us keep the site running.

For even more iPad deals, head to our full Best Deals guide for iPad. Samsung has been producing foldable devices since , so these new smartphones represent four years of development. The Galaxy Z Flip 4 features a Hz 6. When closed, there is a 1. There's a fingerprint sensor at the side for biometric authentication, and compared to the prior-generation model, the Z Flip 4 offers a more slimmed down hinge, straighter edges, and a glossy metal frae with a hazed back glass.

The Z Flip 4 features a dual rear camera setup with megapixel wide-angle and ultra wide-angle cameras, along with a megapixel front-facing selfie camera. A built-in "FlexCam" feature allows for hands-free video, group selfies, and more when the Z Flip 4 is partially folded, and selfies can be taken from the cover screen. The Galaxy Z Fold has a Hz 7. There's a triple-lens camera setup that includes a megapixel wide-angle camera, a megapixel ultra wide camera, and a megapixel telephoto camera that supports 30x Space Zoom, plus there's a megapixel selfie camera and a 4-megapixel under display camera.

The main camera features a 23 percent brighter sensor and enhanced processing power for improved images. The Z Fold 4 is the first smartphone to ship with AndroidL, a version of Android designed for large-screen experiences. There is a new Taskbar that's designed to make multitasking simpler and more intuitive, and Samsung has partnered with Google and Microsoft to create apps that take better advantage of the screen space. Pre-orders are available starting today, and customers who pre-order one of Samsung's new foldable smartphones will get a complimentary memory upgrade to double their storage space.

The smart watches measure heart rate, blood oxygen level, and stress level, and support ECGs and temperature sensing, a feature rumored for the Apple Watch Series 8.

Body composition, sleep tracking, and smart home integration are also included. Tag: SamsungThis article, "" first appeared on MacRumors. Today, a new probe in Apple The newly granted patent, spotted by MyHealthyApple, was filed with the United States Patent and Trademark Office and is titled "Temperature gradient sensing in electronic devices.

Apple's patent protects an electronic device housing that encloses a temperature sensing system comprising a temperature sensor and a differential temperature probe. The system works by calculating the difference between two ends of a probe. One end touches the surface to be measured, while the other is connected to a temperature sensor.

The difference in voltage across the different ends of the probe can then be correlated to a differential temperature measurement. The temperature probe is configured to generate a voltage corresponding to a temperature gradient between a first end of the probe and a second end of the probe. The temperature sensor can be disposed within an electronic device housing. A first end of the probe can be coupled to the temperature sensor and a second end of the probe can be coupled to any suitable surface, whether internal or external, of the electronic device In this construction, the temperature sensor can be configured to measure a temperature, at any given sampling time or sampling rate, of any surface or volume to which the sensing surface is exposed.

The patent goes on to explain in technical detail how the temperature sensing hardware works. Crucially, while the patent covers how a dedicated temperature sensor could be used inside a device to monitor the temperature of a component like the processor, it says that the sensor can be used to measure "absolute temperature" of an external surface, such as skin. Most notably, Apple explicitly mentions how the location of the external probe may be located on a "back surface such as a back crystal of a smart watch" and says the system includes a "high-precision and high-accuracy absolute temperature sensor.

The problems Apple has experienced relating to body temperature measurement purportedly relate to the fact that skin temperature quickly varies based on the environment, and since a smartwatch cannot monitor core body temperature using hardware, the feature is heavily dependent on an algorithm that produces accurate results. This patent only covers the hardware setup for a temperature sensing system, rather than the algorithm required to produce accurate results.

While Apple's patent filings cannot be taken as concrete evidence of the company's exact plans since many of its patents are never used, they do show its areas of research and development, and sometimes reveal impending products, such as the AirTag. In this case, it is difficult to look past the plethora of reports about the Apple Watch Series 8 offering a body temperature sensor — something that has long been rumored by sources like Kuo. Reports indicate that while the device is unlikely to offer exact body temperature measurements, the sensor will be used to provide at least two new health monitoring features.

The Wall Street Journal and Bloomberg's Mark Gurman state that the body temperature sensor will aid fertility planning, giving women insights into their ovulation cycle. Apple has focused on women's health in recent years, so expanding features in this area seems to be in line with the company's objectives.

Moreover, the body temperature sensor could be used to improve the detection of patterns when tracking sleep. Apple leveraged blood oxygen sensing capabilities during sleep starting with the Apple Watch Series 6 and significantly bolstered the Apple Watch's sleep tracking in watchOS 9, meaning that further improvements in this area aided by hardware this year seem very plausible.

Gurman believes that further in the future, Apple Watch models could determine if a user has a higher than normal body temperature, but it is still unlikely to show an exact measurement. Here's Why the iPhone Battery Status Icon in iOS 16 Is So Controversial In the latest iOS 16 beta, Apple has updated the status bar battery icon on iPhones with Face ID to display the exact percentage remaining rather than just a visual representation of battery level, and while the change has been largely welcomed, some users are unhappy with the way it has been implemented.

The new design adds the specific battery level to the battery icon, providing a better idea of battery status at a glance. In Apple's latest design, the white battery icon remains completely filled in as the battery level gradually depletes. Some users disagree with this approach, while others have suggested their own alternative designs for a battery status indicator with percentage level. The new iOS battery percentage feature is a bit confusing. Seeing a filled battery icon with the numbers and half of the battery are two different understandings of how much battery is left.

For some, it's simply a case of calling out what they consider to be poorly thought-out UI design. For others, it plays into low-battery anxiety, a major trigger of nomophobia. Either way, it's become a surprisingly heated topic, while it's easy to forget that the percentage display is optional caveat: It's enforced when in Low Power Mode. How to Show Battery Percentage on iPhone Of course, the battery level indicator design isn't set in stone, and Apple well could change it in a later beta of iOS 16 or the final release.

Whether you're testing the latest public beta or not, what do you think about the way it's been implemented? How much credit you'll receive depends on several factors, including the model of your current phone and its condition. You can learn more about Apple's trade-in program here. Check Up On Your Carrier Plan Beyond a trade-in, many customers receive new phones through their carriers under installment plans that spread the device cost out over up to 36 months.

As you consider your buying options, check what your carrier currently offers and how it stacks up to other possibilities such as trade-ins. Four iOS Safari Extensions to Make the Web Less Annoying Constant pop-ups, annoying forms, and frustrating website behaviors can make browsing and using the web an unpleasant experience.

We've listed some Safari extensions that you may not have known about that can help remove annoyances and make a pleasant Safari experience. No More Cookies Perhaps the most universally dreaded web pop-up is: "This website uses cookies.

Accept or Reject? While it may be helpful for some to have granular controller over the use of cookies on each website they visit, there is likely to be a better solution for many. Super Agent for Safari is an extension that automatically fills out the cookies consent form on each website you visit, meaning you'll no longer see those annoying pop-ups.

The Super Agent for Safari app lets you customize how you would like websites to use cookies. Users can choose whether they want to accept or reject advertising, functional, performance, and other cookies. The settings are applied universally to all websites. Super Agent for Safari is free with no in-app subscription and can be found in the App Store.

Some websites with accompanying apps on the App Store love to bombard users with pop-ups and banners to push them to use their app rather than the website. StopTheMadness, Literally StopTheMadness, as the name suggests, is a general-purpose privacy protection extension with several nifty features. Dark Mode For All Spearheaded by the introduction of systemwide dark mode in iOS 13, many websites on the web now have the option of light and dark themes. Tag: SafariThis article, "" first appeared on MacRumors.

At the current time, there's no word on how a streaming package will be structured, but it could be similar to Friday night MLB games or the NFL's weekly Amazon Prime package. Rumors indicate that Apple is also pursuing the National Football League's Sunday Ticket package, and in the past, it has discussed a content deal with Pac The third beta comes two weeks after the second public beta and it corresponds with the fifth developer beta.

Public beta testers can download the macOS 13 Ventura update from the Software Update section of the System Preferences app after installing the proper profile from Apple's beta software website. Stage Manager puts your main app front and center, tucking your other apps to the side for quick access. Continuity Camera allows you to use your iPhone as a webcam for your Mac, offering much better camera quality than the built-in Mac camera.

Handoff now works with FaceTime so you can answer calls on the Mac and then transfer them over to another device, and Messages is gaining undo, edit, and mark as unread features. Search is more relevant, emails can be scheduled, and there's even an option to undo an email for up to 10 seconds after it's sent. Today's beta comes two weeks after the second public beta, and it corresponds with the fifth developer beta.

Multiple Lock Screens are supported and can be linked with Focus modes. The Messages app supports editing and deleting messages as well as marking messages unread. SharePlay is no longer limited to FaceTime, so Messages can be used for communication between people sharing content with one another. Apple is replacing passwords with Passkeys, and Safari now supports Shared Tab Groups for collaborating.

In the Mail app, you can schedule emails, cancel sending, and receive follow-up reminders, and the Maps app supports multi-stop routing. The fifth developer beta of iOS 16 added the battery percentage back to the status bar on iPhones that have a notch, plus it introduced new sounds for locating an iPhone via Find My or the Apple Watch, a mini visualizer for the Lock Screen Music player, and more, with full details on what's in the update available in our guide.

Apple Seeds Third watchOS 9 Public Beta Apple today seeded the third beta of an upcoming watchOS 9 update to its public beta testing group, allowing non-developers to experience the new watch software ahead of its fall release.

The new beta comes two weeks after the second beta, and it corresponds to the fifth developer beta. There are four new watch faces, including Lunar, Playtime, Metropolitan, and Astronomy, and the ECG app supports AFib History for tracking how long a person has been in atrial fibrillation.

Custom workouts have been added to the Workout app, and there are fitness improvements for runners, triathletes, and swimmers. Note: MacRumors is an affiliate partner with some of these vendors. Satechi Starting with Satechi, you can get 20 percent off sitewide with the code B2S This sale will run through August Satechi has a hub showcasing all of its newest products to give you an idea of what can be bought with the discount, but remember that the B2S20 code will work sitewide.

You'll find a "copy code" button on the product page of each accessory, and by clicking this you can automatically copy the code to paste it into the discount code box on the checkout page. Be sure to check out the landing page for the sale to see all of the markdowns. You can buy any smartphone or tablet case and get the second one free.

You'll need to add both cases to your cart and afterwards the promo will automatically activate. You'll find cases for iPhone 13 devices as well as Android smartphones.

Shoppers should note that this sale excludes all keyboards and keyboard case style products. Be sure to visit our full Deals Roundup to shop for even more Apple-related products and accessories.

The problems have in part led to a Goldman Sachs investigation by the U. Goldman Sachs was subject to more disputed transactions than it had anticipated, with customers seeking chargebacks for products and services. When a customer asks for a chargeback, Goldman Sachs must follow regulations to reach a resolution within an acceptable timeline, and apparently failed at doing that.

A source that spoke to CNBC said that customers were provided with conflicting information or were subject to long wait times. There was no streamlined process in place for resolving customer complaints. The bank hadn't initially accounted for what insiders deemed "edge cases," or situations that break from the norm among the vast majority of transactions, they said.

Regulators are looking into customer complaints from the past several years, many related to attempted chargebacks. Goldman Sachs has now devoted more resources to automating additional parts of the chargeback process, and it is cooperating with the CFPB inquiry. The Apple Watch Pro will feature a different design, a larger size, and a more expensive price tag. Bloomberg's Mark Gurman has indicated that the Apple Watch Pro will feature a design that is an "evolution of the current rectangular shape.

The flat-edged design is not expected to be used for the Apple Watch Pro, and so it's not going to look like those Apple Watch Series 7 mockups that we saw ahead of the Series 7 launch. The Apple Watch Pro has also been described as a "rugged" Apple Watch that's aimed at those who do extreme sports.

It will feature a casing that is more durable and better able to hold up to abuse, with the device targeted toward athletes, hikers, and others who expose their watches to more extreme conditions. Casing Material Apple is planning to use a new titanium metal alloy that is stronger than aluminum and better able to hold up to extreme use.

Size The Apple Watch Pro will be larger than the current 41mm and 45mm sizes. In fact, Gurman has said that it will be a "good bit bigger" than the current Apple Watch models and in fact so large that it may only appeal to a "subset of customers. It is said to feature a display resolution of x pixels, and the extra display area could potentially be used to display extra fitness metrics on a single screen.

Battery Life As the Apple Watch Pro will be larger, it will likely fit a larger battery inside to accommodate longer workout times. With a rumored low-power mode that is coming to Series 8 models, the Apple Watch Pro could even last for multiple days before needing to be recharged.

The temperature sensor is unlikely to feature an exact temperature reading, but it will be able to show fluctuations. Because the Apple Watch will be using skin temperature, it will not be as accurate as a thermometer that is able to monitor core body temperature. At launch, Apple is likely to use this for fertility planning and monitoring. Other Possible Features Rumors have indicated that the next-generation Apple Watch and iPhone models could include a car crash detection feature that would use the accelerometer to detect accidents when they occur by measuring a spike in gravitational force.

When a crash is detected, the Apple Watch could automatically call emergency services. There have also been rumors of updates to activity tracking, though specifics are not available at this time. Price With a larger body and a titanium casing, the Apple Watch Pro will not be cheap. It is not yet clear if the Apple Watch Pro will be replacing the current Apple Watch Edition models, which are made from titanium. Guide Feedback Have questions about the Apple Watch Pro know of a feature we left out, or want to offer feedback on this guide?

Send us an email here. This article, "" first appeared on MacRumors. The new AirPods support document will likely be similar to one that Apple published for AirTag firmware updates earlier this year. The latest firmware version for AirPods was released in May and is listed as "4E71" in the Settings app. There is still no manual way to update the firmware on AirPods, with updates installing automatically.

It offers support for higher resolution photos and videos, audio messages, bigger file sizes, improved encryption, emoji reactions, more reliable group chats, and more.

It's not about the color of the bubbles. It's the tiny photos and videos, no texting over wifi and no read receipts. Apple creates these problems when we text each other from iPhones and Android phones, but does nothing to fix it. Think of it like this: If you have two groups of people who use different spoken languages, they can communicate effectively in their respective languages to other people who speak their language, but they can't talk to each other.

And when they try to talk to one another, they have to act out what they're saying, as though they're playing charades. Now think of RCS as a magic translator that helps multiple groups speak fluently -- but every group has to use the translator, and if one doesn't, they're each going to need to use motions again.

RCS could "connect all smartphone users" and bring a "secure, modern messaging experience" to everyone," according to Google's blog post. The article echos several prior Google attempts to get Apple to acknowledge RCS, all of which have been unsuccessful. As of mid, Google and all major carriers have swapped over to RCS, but Google has not been able to convince Apple to adopt the standard.

Senior vice president of Android Hiroshi Lockheimer has been tweeting about RCS and Apple's lack of support for months now, and Google has even resorted to sarcastic explainer videos. There continues to be no word on when Apple might adopt Rich Communication Services, nor information on whether Apple is considering it. Tuesday August OneDrive turns Delivering new and intuitive experiences Office for Mac. The post appeared first on Microsoft Blog. This month we made improvements to help employees work smarter and more efficiently, with integrated technology that brings people together across every role and function so they can connect and collaborate effectively in the flow of work.

In this collaboration-first world, every organization needs a digital fabric that binds people together—from the C-suite to the frontline, and across every role and function. Introducing Microsoft Defender: A new Microsoft online security app for you and your family We are excited to announce the general availability of Microsoft Defender for individuals—a new security app designed to keep individuals and families safer online.

How Microsoft Teams uses AI and machine learning to improve calls and meetings Disruptive echo effects, poor room acoustics, and choppy videos are some common issues that can detract from the effectiveness of online calls and meetings. HiRise 3 eliminates nightstand cable clutter while charging three Apple devices The new HiRise3 from Twelve South can help you eliminate nightstand clutter among other things.

Community and More. More Community. The Security Pros and Cons of Using Email Aliases One way to tame your email inbox is to get in the habit of using unique email aliases when signing up for new accounts online.

Aliases can help users detect breaches and fight spam. But not all websites allow aliases, and they can complicate account recovery. Here's a look at the pros and cons of adopting a unique alias for each website. Microsoft Patch Tuesday, August Edition Microsoft today released updates to fix a record security vulnerabilities in its Windows operating systems and related software.

Redmond also addressed multiple flaws in Exchange Server — including one that was disclosed publicly prior to today — and it is urging organizations that use Exchange for email to update as soon as possible and to enable additional protections. Class Action Targets Experian Over Account Security A class action lawsuit has been filed against big-three consumer credit bureau Experian over reports that the company did little to prevent identity thieves from hijacking consumer accounts.

Scammers Sent Uber to Take Elderly Lady to the Bank Email scammers sent an Uber to the home of an year-old woman who responded to a well-timed email scam, in a bid to make sure she went to the bank and wired money to the fraudsters. In this case, the woman figured out she was being scammed before embarking for the bank, but her story is a chilling reminder of how far crooks will go these days to rip people off.

Tom Cruise and the Leap Second — Intego Mac Podcast Episode Tom Cruise is showing up everywhere: landing his helicopter in an English family's garden; interrupting hikers and leaping off a cliff; and even in deepfake videos.

We also look at the leap second, and how taking away one second in time could wreak havoc on computers. The post appeared first on The Mac Security Blog.

Krebs on Security. With the recent demise of several popular "proxy" services that let cybercriminals route their malicious traffic through hacked PCs, there is now something of a supply chain crisis gripping the underbelly of the Internet. Compounding the problem, several remaining malware-based proxy services have chosen to block new registrations to avoid swamping their networks with a sudden influx of customers.

Breach Exposes Users of Microleaves Proxy Service Microleaves, a ten-year-old proxy service that lets customers route their web traffic through millions of Microsoft Windows computers, exposed their entire user database and the location of tens of millions of PCs running the proxy software.

Microleaves claims its proxy software is installed with user consent. But research suggests Microleaves has a lengthy history of being supplied with new proxies by affiliates incentivized to install the software any which way they can -- such as by secretly bundling it with other software.

We also go over the recent Apple operating system updates, and look at how Content Caching on a Mac may prevent security updates from being installed automatically. The leak led to the public shaming and extortion of many AshleyMadison users, and to at least two suicides.

To date, little is publicly known about the perpetrators or the true motivation for the attack. But a recent review of AshleyMadison mentions across Russian cybercrime forums and far-right underground websites in the months leading up to the hack revealed some previously unreported details that may deserve further scrutiny. PaperCut NG PaperCut NG lets you limit and control printer use within your organization. Whether you're an IT manager or an academic administrator, PapaCutNG is the perfect way to create quotas and monitor usage for everyone who accesses your organization's printers.

Your resources, under control Go green. Allowing students or employees unlimited printer access can lead to wastefulness. Limit individual usage, or charge for printing. Track crucial usage data. Integrate with your existing directories to create user accounts, or monitor printer usage amongst individual departments.

Get started quickly. PaperCut NG is easy to implement, so you'll be up and running in no time. Enhancements: Enhancements to Batch Internal User email notifications. PO Improved performance of the Device Details page for installations with large queue numbers. Users will be able to use OAuth2 to authenticate their Gmail address to continue to use Email Printing after Google deprecates basic authentications.

PO App Server: Fixed external license updates including the server command executable to notify PaperCut Grows of any license changes. PO App Server: Added Help page to the left side menu bar, giving the admin the most relevant information to seek support.

The Help section can be accessed below "About". PO App Server: Fixed an issue where the locale override option was missing from default device configurations. PC Print Provider: Fixed a rare issue that may cause an incorrect page count when printing a document that contains images using PaperCut Global PostScript driver.

PC Print Provider: Canon Oce PlotWave PostScript printer driver: Fixed an issue that caused the document size to be used incorrectly as the paper size if the document size is larger than the output paper size. PC Print Provider: Konica Minolta printer drivers: Fixed an issue that caused print job grayscale conversion to fail when the color mode is set to 2-color. PC Print Provider CUPS : Fixed an issue that caused cross-server printing print from a print queue on one server and release it from a queue on a different server to fail.

PC Print Provider CUPS : Fixed a rare issue that may cause print redirection to fail if print job attribute modification for example, watermarking, grayscale conversion is enabled.

PC Print Provider iPrint : Fixed an issue that caused printer redirection and hardware page count to fail when using iPrint version 4. PC Other notes: This version contains a database upgrade. IconJar 2. IconJar leaves digging through your design asset folders behind and lets you access your icons without the hassle. Your icon organizer is always just one click away. It features incredible support for SVGs and icon fonts that you can drag-and-drop into any app.

Features: Designed for the Mac IconJar is designed to fit in with the apps you already use on your Mac. Quicklook Preview your icons in a usecase driven take on the Quicklook feature.

Widely adopted file type Import tens of thousands of icon sets with just one click with our. Bug fixes: Fixed an issue where the grid would resort itself when navigating icons with names that begin with a whitespace We have also fixed a crash on launch for some users Download Now Read more ». Speech To Text 2. Speech to Text is a light tool that turn speech into text which can be sent as an Email or copied and pasted into another app. With this app, you won't need to type anything any more.

You just speak and your speech is instantly converted into text. PhotosRevive 2. PhotosRevive automatically colorizes your old black and white photos. The application uses a revolutionary artificial intelligence that will add colors in an ultra-realistic way. The application is super simple to use. Scan or import your photo and that's it.

The application will color it without any effort on your part. We know that the colors chosen by the engine may differ from those of your memories. That's why the app lets you add indications of colors. PhotosRevive is the first app that will perfectly adjust the rendering to your memories Features: Automatically recolor photos Scan photos from your camera Adjust black and white tint Add indications to improve rendering Save and share the result Metadata Support: This version preserves original image metadata.

Compressor 4. Compressor adds power and flexibility to Final Cut Pro X export. Customize output settings, work faster with distributed encoding, and tap into a comprehensive set of delivery features. Choose from a wide array of codecs, sizes, frame rates, and other parameters. Save your custom settings in Compressor; they automatically appear in Final Cut Pro. Share settings with other editors, even if Compressor isn't installed on their workstations.

Time-Saving Encoding Workflow Experiment freely with encoding options, using real-time feedback in the Preview window. Find exactly the setting you need in just a few clicks in the updated settings library. Set up batch processes to streamline the encoding of large numbers of files. Build batch templates to combine encoding with tasks such as moving or copying files. Create self-contained Droplets to encode on the desktop with drag-and-drop ease. Work with a choice of themed menus to encode and burn a DVD or Blu-ray disc.

Generate files for HTTP live streaming in a single step. Tap into advanced encoding features for adding closed captioning, metadata, and more. Clean up and customize your content using image filters, a timecode overlay, and watermarks.

Speed up video, slow it down, or adjust the frame rate to make the duration match a runtime. Distributed Encoding Save time by distributing encoding work among multiple cores and workstations. Install Compressor on any Mac to activate it as a cluster node for distributed encoding. Speed up encoding in Final Cut Pro by choosing a Compressor cluster for output processing. Activate QuickCluster for dynamic configuration of nodes based on available resources.

Darkness Rises celebrates four years of service with major new update Apps. Darkness Rises celebrates four years of service with major new update Four years of uptime for a mobile game is akin to eternity, and this is exactly the milestone that Darkness Rises has reached.

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PSIKOLOGadalah lulusan pendidikan profesional yang berkaitan dengan praktik psikologi dengan latar belakang pendidikan Sarjana Psikologi lulusan program pendidikan tinggi psikologi strata 1 S1 sistem kurikukum lama atau yang mengikuti pendidikan tinggi psikologi strata 1 S1 dan lulus dari pendidikan profesi psikologi atau strata 2 S2 pendidikan Psikolog. Psikolog memiliki kewenangan untuk memberikan layanan psikologi yang meliputi bidang-bidang praktek klinis dan konseling; penelitian; pengajaran; supervisi dalam pelatihan, layanan masyarakat, pengembangan kebijakan; intervensi sosial dan klinis; pengembangan instrumen asesmen psikologi; penyelenggaraan asesmen; konseling karir dan pendidikan; konsultasi organisasi; aktifitas-aktifitas dalam bidang forensik; perancangan dan evaluasi program; dan administrasi.

Ilmuwan psikologi memiliki kewenangan untuk memberikan layanan psikologi yang meliputi bidang-bidang penelitian; pengajaran; supervisi dalam pelatihan; layanan masyarakat; pengembangan kebijakan; intervensi sosial; pengembangan instrumen asesmen psikologi; pengadministrasian asesmen; konsultasi organisasi; perancangan dan evaluasi program.

Ilmuwan Psikologi dibedakan dalam kelompok ilmu murni sains dan terapan. Layanan psikologi dapat berupa praktek konseling dan psikoterapi; penelitian; pengajaran; supervisi dalam pelatihan; layanan masyarakat; pengembangan kebijakan; intervensi sosial dan klinis; pengembangan instrumen asesmen psikologi; penyelenggaraan asesmen; konseling karir dan pendidikan; konsultasi organisasi; aktifitas-aktifitas dalam bidang forensik; perancangan dan evaluasi program; dan administrasi.

Prinsip B: Integritas dan Sikap Ilmiah 1 Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi harus mendasarkan pada dasar dan etika ilmiah terutama pada pengetahuan yang sudah diyakini kebenarannya oleh komunitas psikologi. Prinsip C : Profesional 1 Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi harus memiliki kompetensi dalam melaksanakan segala bentuk pelayanan psikologi, penelitian, pengajaran, pelatihan, jasa dan praktik psikologi dengan menekankan pada tanggung jawab, kejujuran, batasan kompetensi, obyektif dan integritas.

Prinsip D : Keadilan 1 Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi memahami bahwa kejujuran dan ketidakberpihakan adalah hak setiap orang. Prinsip E : Manfaat 1 Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi berusaha maksimal memberikan manfaat padakesejahteraan umat manusia, perlindungan hak dan mempertimbangkan mengurangi resiko dampak buruk tidak mengakibatkan dampak buruk bagi pengguna layanan psikologi serta pihak-pihak lain yang terkait.

Pelanggaran sebagaimana dimaksud di atas adalah: a Pelanggaran ringan yaitu: Tindakan yang dilakukan oleh seorang Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi yang tidak dalam kondisi yang sesuai dengan standar prosedur yang telah ditetapkan, sehingga mengakibatkan kerugian. Ilmu psikologi ii. Profesi Psikologi iii. Pengguna Jasa dan atau Praktik Psikologi iv. Individu yang menjalani Pemeriksaan Psikologi v.

Pihak-pihak yang terkait dan masyarakat umumnya. Ilmu Psikologi ii. Pihak-pihak yang terkait dan masyarakat umumnya 4 Penjelasan tentang jenis pelanggaran dan sanksi akan diatur dalam aturan tersendiri. Meminta klarifikasi kepada pihak yang melakukan pelanggaran Berdasarkan klarifikasi menentukan jenis pelanggaran 7 Majelis Psikologi akan melakukan klarifikasi pada anggota yang dipandang melakukan pelanggaran.

Perilaku yang dimaksud dalam pengertian ini adalah tindakan atau perbuatan yang dianggap: a tidak dikehendaki, tidak sopan, dapat menimbulkan sakit hati atau dapat menimbulkan suasana tidak nyaman, rasa takut, mengandung permusuhan yang dalam hal ini Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi mengetahui atau diberitahu mengenai hal tersebut atau b bersikap keras atau cenderung menjadi kejam atau menghina terhadap seseorang dalam konteks tersebut. Pasal 16 HUBUNGAN MAJEMUK 1 Hubungan majemuk terjadi apabila : a Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi sedang dalam peran profesionalnya dengan seseorang dan dalam waktu yang bersamaan menjalankan peran lain dengan orang yang sama, atau b Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi dalam waktu yang bersamaan memiliki hubungan dengan seseorang yang secara dekat berhubungan dengan orang yang memiliki hubungan profesional dengan Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi tersebut.

Aspek-aspek yang perlu dicantumkan dalam informed consent adalah: Kesediaan untuk mengikuti penelitian dan atau praktik psikologi tanpa paksaan. Perkiraan lamanya penelitian dan atau praktik psikologi Gambaran tentang apa yang akan dilakukan dalam proses penelitian, dan atau praktik tersebut Keuntungan dan atau risiko yang dialami selama proses tersebut Jaminan kerahasiaan selama proses tersebut Orang yang bertanggung jawab jika terjadi efek samping yang merugikan selama proses tersebut.

Dalam konteks Indonesia pada masyarakat tertentu yang mungkin terbatas pendidikannya atau yang mungkin rentan memberikan informed consent secara tertulis maka informed consent dapat dilakukan secara lisan dan direkam Informed consent yang berkaitan dengan proses penelitian psikologi terdapat pada pasal 42 sedangkan yang berkait dengan asesmen psikologi terdapat pada pasal 55 dan yang berkaitan dengan terapi psikologi pada pasal 60 dalam kode etik ini.

Penggunaan keterangan atau data mengenai pengguna layanan psikologi atau orang yang menjalani pemeriksaan psikologi yang diperoleh Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi dalam rangka pemberian layanan Psikologi, hendaknya mematuhi hal-hal sebagai berikut; a Dapat diberikan hanya kepada yang berwenang mengetahuinya dan hanya memuat hal-hal yang langsung dan berkaitan dengan tujuan pemberian layanan psikologi. Hal tersebut tidak diberlakukan, kecuali jika : Program atau pelatihan teersebut sudah dikemukakan dalam persyaratan pada saat pendaftaran di materi program, atau Menjadi satu cara atau pendekatan yang dianggap penting dan tepat untuk dapat memahami, berempati, memfasilitasi pemulihan dan atau memampukan peserta didik untuk menemukan pendekatan penanganan yang tepat bagi isu atau kasus khusus tertentu Informasi ini penting untuk mengevaluasi siswa dimana masalah pribadinya dapat dievaluasi dengan mudah akan menghambat keberhasilan dalam pelatihan.

Secara lebih terinci informasi yang penting untuk disampaikan adalah : a Tujuan penelitian, jangka waktu dan prosedur, antisipasi dari keikutsertaan, yang bila diketahui mungkin dapat mempengaruhi kesediaan untuk berpartisipasi, seperti risiko yang mungkin timbul, ketidaknyamanan, atau efek sebaliknya; keuntungan yang mungkin diperoleh dari penelitian; hak untuk menarik diri dari kesertaan dan mengundurkan diri dari penelitian setelah penelitian dimulai, konsekuensi yang mungkin timbul dari penarikan dan pengunduran diri; keterbatasan kerahasiaan; insentif untuk partisipan; dan siapa yang dapat dihubungi untuk memperoleh informasi lebih lanjut.

Penelitian yang tidak harus memerlukan persetujuan partisipan antara lain adalah: a penyebaran kuesioner anonim; b observasi alamiah; c penelitian arsip; yang ke semuanya tidak akan menempatkan partisipan dalam resiko pemberian tanggung jawab hukum atas tindakan kriminal atau perdata, resiko keuangan, kepegawaian atau reputasi nama baik dan kerahasiaan. Hal-hal yang harus diperhatikan adalah: 1 Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi yang melakukan penelitian dengan hewan harus terlatih dan dapat memperlakukan hewan tersebut dengan baik, mengikuti prosedur yang berlaku, bertanggung jawab untuk memastikan kenyamanan, kesehatan dan perlakuan yang berperikemanusiaan terhadap hewan tersebut.

Hal-hal yang harus diperhatikan adalah : 1 Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi tidak merekayasa data atau melakukan langkah-langkah lain yang tidak bertanggungjawab lihat pasal lain misalnya terkait pengelabuan, plagiarisme dll.

Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi dapat melakukan penelitian di bidang forensik secara umum tetapi tidak terkait langsung dengan penanganan kasus di bidang psikologi forensik 3 Praktek psikologi forensik adalah penanganan kasus forensik terutama yang berkaitan dengan psikodinamika baik yang terkait ataupun tidak dengan penelitian.

Hal-hal yang harus diperhatikan bila peran majemuk terpaksa dilakukan : 1 Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi menghindar untuk melakukan peran majemuk dalam hal forensik, apalagi yang dapat menimbulkan konflik. Hal-hal yang harus diperhatikan berkaitan dengan proses asesmen adalah : 1 Konstruksi Tes : Validitas dan Reliabilitas. Kategori alat tes dalam Psikodiagnostik menurut APA : a Level A : Tes yang disusun untuk individu dan kelompok yang tidak bersifat klinis dan tidak membutuhkan keahlian dalam melakukan administrasi dan interpretasi.

Untuk mencegah asesmen psikologi oleh pihak yang tidak kompeten : a Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi dapat menawarkan bantuan jasa asesmen psikologi kepada professional lain termasuk Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi lain.



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